Saturday, September 17, 2011


After the success of Track 4.1, I scoured the web for ideas to build a bigger track design. The following factors were considered for the design:
  1. Easy assembly
  2. Costs/ Supply of materials 
  3. Space saving
  4. Fun Factor

Inspirations came from DCRAction, Hot Wheels tracks, Hollywood flicks, YouTubers' videos and DIY Slot-Car Enthusiasts' tracks. The track took about a month to complete after the initial sketches. Check out the photos below for a closer look.


Streets of FACTCILITY.

The Projects.

Office Area.
Residential Area.

Launcher (At Rest).

Launcher (Activated).

Nissan Skyline vs Nissan Silvia, Lined-Up At The Launcher. 

Race In Progress.

Here's a short video on FACTCILITY on YouTube. 
(ps. use earphones for maximum listening pleasure)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Story of F.A.C.T. (Track-1.4)

Sometime back, my son, now 20-month-old, saw a striking red Hotwheels Pontiac Firebird on display and wanted to buy it. He had fun rolling it around the floor but I wanted to let him experience some simple track play.

As the starter sets were still over my budget, I decided to build a home-made track to see if he would enjoy it. was the source of inspiration. After a couple of experimentation and failed designs, the 1st track was built, made of cardboard and tape. Yeah, my boy's having a good time watching the cars roll down - seeing the smile of his face was worth the effort.

Starting Line.

Turn 1. (Sneak peek of Track Design 2 in b/g)

Straight Section after Turn 1.

Turn 2.

Final Stretch. The raised groove along the Straight Section randoms the car's behaviour.

The Finishing Line + Grandstand of my son's favourite TV characters.

Hotwheels logo act as backdrop for photo opps after a race.

Recently I added a short Drag Strip for simple fun racing action.

The Finishing Line for the Drag Strip.

As for safety aspects, all edges are taped up to avoid paper-cuts. Paper decals were printed out for aesthetics instead of spray-painting to avoid any toxins getting on his fingers. (It also gives the track a home-made, rustic look).

See the track in action in YouTube; F.A.C.T. Hotwheels Track-1.4 Enjoy!